TM on a TradeMark has its special meaning. The TM logo does not protect the trademark. It is different from R. TM is the abbreviation of trademark, which includes both registered trademark R and direct use of unregistered trademarks without the approval of the Trademark Office.
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a trademark marked TM can play a certain protective role. However, if the trademark is not approved and registered by the Trademark Office, its legal protection is not strong. Only when the unregistered trademark reaches a certain popularity can it obtain legal protection to a certain extent.
generally, after the trademark application is notified by the Trademark Office, but before the trademark registration certificate is obtained, the applicant is allowed to put a "TM" mark on the upper right corner or lower right corner of the trademark mark to tell others that the trademark has been submitted and is being accepted, so as to prevent others from applying for registration of the same trademark. For the R trademark, a trademark registration certificate has been obtained. According to the provisions of the Trademark Law, the right holder of a registered trademark can put a registration mark on the upper right corner or the lower right corner of the registered trademark.