Gangyi Business tells you the information required for EU trademark
The information required to apply for EU trademark:
Company name and address (Chinese and English);
2. International classification of goods/services and list of designated goods/services and other information;
3. Copy of business license;
4. 5 copies of trademark drawings, required Clear and good paper quality. If it is a color trademark, you need to submit 1 black-and-white draft and 5 color drafts;
The size shall not be less than 5cm×5cm, and the maximum shall not exceed 10cm×20cm;
Process the basic registration of EU trademarks The procedure is as follows:
1. The applicant files an application with the European Union Trademark Office or the Trademark Office of an EU member state;
2. The European Union Trademark Office will notify the trademark director of each member state of the application. agencies to conduct trademark examinations in various countries;
3. After passing the examination, a three-month announcement will be made. During this period, third parties can raise various objections;
4. If no third party raises objections, the applied trademark will be approved for registration within one year.
5. It will take 12-15 months