The train timetable from Dazhou to Wanyuan is as follows:
Choose train T126, which starts from Dazhou at 03:26 and arrives in Wanyuan at 5 o'clock, which takes 2.87 hours. , choose to take the K1158 train, which departs from Dazhou at 12:54 and arrives in Wanyuan at 14:26, which takes 1.53 hours.
Choose to take train K16, which departs from Dazhou at 15:02, arrives at Xuanhan at 15:38, departs for Wanyuan at 15:40, and arrives at Wanyuan at 16:31, which takes 1.93 hours, choose train Z124, which departs from Dazhou at 20:16 and arrives in Wanyuan at 21:45, which takes 1.48 hours.
Dazhou’s Yuanjiu Climbing Festival:
The tradition of Dazhou’s Yuanjiu Climbing Festival has been followed for thousands of years. Every year on the ninth day of the first lunar month, hundreds of thousands of people travel to the city. This spectacular scene is famous all over the country. It is also rare. According to legend, in 815 AD, Yuan Zhen was demoted to Tongzhou and served as Sima. When he first arrived, the place was sparsely populated and snakes and insects ruled the country. Yuan Zhen worked hard to govern, was honest and honest, and achieved outstanding political achievements. He did a lot of good things for the local people.
In 818 AD, Yuan Zhen was transferred to Henan. On the ninth day of the first lunar month, on the day when Yuan Zhen left office, all the elders in the city climbed Cuiping Mountain in the south of the city and Fenghuang Mountain in the north. All the people said goodbye and were reluctant to leave. Since then, Dazhou has left behind the traditional custom of climbing mountains on the ninth day of the first lunar month. Every year on the ninth day of the first lunar month, the streets of Dazhou are crowded with people, men, women and children competing to climb mountains outside the city to look far into the distance to commemorate this good official.
And rain or shine, we will never give up until we reach the top of the mountain, and this continues today. People take this opportunity to climb high and look into the distance, offer sacrifices to heaven and pray for blessings, hoping to sweep away the decline of the previous year and usher in a smooth new year. Liang Shangquan, a famous contemporary poet from Dazhou, has this poem. Dazhou was originally ancient Tongzhou, with mountains and green waters flowing naturally.
The spirit of poetry always accompanies the phoenix when it comes to celebrating Yuanjiu. The Yuanjiu Climbing Festival has been registered with the Trademark Office of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce and has become an urban cultural festival brand in Dazhou.