How much is the tea trademark registration? Tea is also the most important trade product and cultural link connecting China with the East and the West for a long time, so it is particularly necessary to apply for a trademark for tea brands. The process of trademark application is similar, and the whole process is about 9-12 months, depending on the situation.
1. What is the tea trademark registration process?
1. Preparation for registration. You should first choose the registration method: one is to apply for registration at the Trademark Office of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, and the other is to entrust an experienced trademark agency to act as an agent. Compared with other trademarks, tea trademark inquiry is less troublesome. Before that, it is recommended to find professionals to conduct authoritative pre-registration inquiry to reduce the risk of trademark registration.
2. preparation and submission of materials, including tea trademark pattern, application for people's identity card, copy of the business license of the enterprise, submission of the copy and application for trademark registration stamped with the official seal of the company, and submission of relevant application materials to the trademark applicant and the industrial and commercial bureau.
3. Apply according to the classification of tea goods and services. When applying for tea trademark registration, determine the category of tea goods or services using the trademark; Where the same applicant uses the same trademark on different categories of goods, he shall apply for registration according to different categories.
4. The date of application shall be determined based on the date when the Trademark Office receives the application. Then there are three procedures: trademark examination, preliminary examination announcement and registration announcement.
second, how much does it cost to apply for tea trademark registration?
About the tea trademark registration fee, it can be roughly divided into two categories:
1. Official fee.
when the applicant goes to the trademark registration hall of the Trademark Office, he/she needs to pay the 3 yuan fixed official fee (only the fee for goods within 1 items in one category of a trademark, and each item after more than 1 items in the same category will be charged according to 3 yuan. )
2. Agency fee.
the applicant can entrust a trademark agency registered with the trademark office, and the fees to be paid are agency fees. Generally, the agency fees are based on one standard and one piece, and the specific price is also related to factors such as brand awareness, popularity and completeness.
FAQ: What trademark categories do tea need to be registered?
How much is the tea trademark registration? If you still have questions about the application for trademark registration, you are welcome to visit Intellectual Property for consultation and understanding. Tea trademark application for tea trademark registration