Buying on Xianyu is cheaper than online shopping platforms such as Taobao, so many people will resell things they don’t need on Xianyu, and some people will also buy some on Xianyu. After purchasing second-hand clothes, someone said that the clothes he bought from Xianyu did not have a trademark, so he began to doubt whether the clothes he bought were fake.
But here comes the problem. Xianyu itself is a resale platform. The sellers are often individuals, not operators who specialize in selling clothes. Therefore, whether the clothing trademarks are sound or not, this requirement cannot be imposed, but generally Sellers will indicate whether the clothes have a trademark in the purchase and sale information, and will even provide proof of purchase receipt. This is the fact.
For buyers, there are the following situations when the clothes purchased by Xianyu do not have trademarks. The first situation is that the clothes themselves are three-no products. This seller is deceptive. He stated that His clothes are genuine from a certain famous brand, but he is reselling them because they are not suitable. In fact, he is a businessman who uses Sanwu products to pass them off as good ones. Therefore, when the buyer finds that there is no trademark, he needs to communicate with the seller in time and check The second type of quality problem of clothes is that the clothes may be original and genuine, but because the original is often a defective genuine item, the trademark is cut off to protect the brand. The seller does resell it because the size is inappropriate, even without a trademark. It has been marked in the information. This situation is understandable. The risk of buying at Xianyu is relatively high. You can find treasures at low prices, but at the same time you may also be deceived. This is something that cannot be avoided by second-hand specialty stores. Yes, we can only keep our eyes open and pay attention to the seller's creditworthiness and product information.
The above cases illustrate the importance of trademarks. The trademark of a piece of clothing often represents the quality of the clothes. Therefore, when the clothes purchased by Xianyu do not have a trademark, we will question the clothes. Is it fake? So in normal times we still need to buy something with a trademark. As an operator, we also need to buy trademarks for our products. When purchasing trademarks, we can choose some good purchase websites, such as The Bajie trademark purchasing platform solves buyers’ questions about the quality of the things they buy and sell.
Bajie’s 25th class trademark is hotly recommended
The 25th class trademark “Lai Yiting LUYEET”
“Lai Yiting LUYEET” trademark registration number: 19037883
"LUYEET" trademark usage scope: tops, pants, clothing, underwear, skirts, underwear, windbreakers, coats, jackets, bra clothing trademark purchase trademark