The categories of catering trademarks are:
Category 43: (restaurant, restaurant, hotel).
Category 35: (Catering management, consulting, franchising).
Category 29: (Salted products, shark fins, fish products, edible oil).
Category 30: (Condiments, pastries, convenience foods).
Category 08: (Tableware, forks).
Category 16: (Cling film, brochures, periodicals, napkins, newspapers, gourmet magazines). Class 21 (tableware, drinking vessels, toothpicks, cooking utensils, garbage cans, food thermal containers).
Class 24: (tablecloths, seat cushions, napkins, mats, washing gloves).
Category 31: (live fish, vegetables, seafood, fresh fruits, poultry).
Category 32: (mineral water, beverages, juices, beer).
Category 33: (red wine, white wine, wine).
Category 39: (Distribution, logistics, warehousing).
Category 40: (Food processing, taxidermy processing).
Category 44: (Nutrition and dietary guidance, health care).
Intellectual property rights.