If you want to set a mobile phone wallpaper, you can select the system wallpaper that comes with the application system through the mobile phone settings, or click on the photo album to select a picture in the photo album as the wallpaper.
Setting method:
1. ColorOS 12 and above: Go to "Settings>Personalization>Wallpapers>Recently used/custom-selected pictures/inspiration wallpapers/ART+ wallpapers/static wallpapers/ "Live Wallpapers/Online Wallpapers/More Wallpapers" page, select wallpaper/picture settings.
2. ColorOS version 11.3: Enter the "Settings > Personalization > Wallpaper > Local Album/System Wallpaper/ART+ Wallpaper/Online Wallpaper" page and select wallpaper/picture settings.
3. ColorOS 11.0-11.2 version: Enter the "Settings > Personalization > Wallpaper > Local Album/Static Wallpaper/Dynamic Wallpaper/ART+" page and select wallpaper/picture settings.
4. ColorOS version 7.0-7.2: Enter the "Settings > Personalization > Static Wallpaper/Dynamic Wallpaper/Album/Art+" page and select wallpaper/picture settings.
5. ColorOS version 6.0-7.2: Enter the "Settings > Desktop and Lock Screen (Desktop and Lock Screen Magazine) > Static Wallpaper/Dynamic Wallpaper/Album" page and select wallpaper/picture settings. .
Warm reminder:
① ColorOS 7 version expands the types of dynamic wallpapers and adds interactive design elements: when the gesture moves, the animation will also move accordingly, making the wallpaper No more boring. (Dynamic wallpapers in ColorOS 7 and above can be set as lock screen wallpapers.)
② When the width of the currently selected picture or wallpaper is large, the "Scroll with desktop" checkbox will appear when setting the wallpaper. , after checked, the wallpaper will scroll with the desktop.
This answer applies to all OPPO models.