The cost of trademark registration: the Trademark Office fee is 1,000 yuan and the agency fee is 700 yuan. It is valid for ten years and no fees are required during this period.
I suggest you make your own trademark. Online stores have just emerged in China, and their development prospects are very good. It will surely be as prosperous as the traditional economic form in the future. Many traditional companies had the same idea as you when they first started. They wanted to create their own trademarks, but felt that the financial risks were high, so they were hesitant. But when the company develops, it will be too late to register a trademark.
Trademark, as a carrier of intangible assets, should be determined at the early stage of development, and preparations must be made before the business even starts. If you have a good trademark, you should register it immediately. If it is registered by others, not only will your current investment be lost, but you will also be liable for infringement. The loss is greater.
What exactly do you need to get a trademark for? Give a simple example. Building a house is for living, installing iron gates is for living safety, using a trademark is for business, and registration is for protecting the business. People will not build a house to install iron gates, nor will they think of a trademark for registration. A house is a tangible asset. Once you have a house, you will think a lot about living in it. The decoration should be beautiful, the functions should be complete, the space should be utilized, and living should be convenient, etc. But for trademarks as intangible assets, they think much less, maybe After registering, just post it on the product and that's it. Do you think about it as actively as you do about a house?
The value of a registered trademark is not only the protection of oneself, this is the most basic. What's more important is that it can bring you more economic value. That depends on how you operate it.
Trademark agent: Wang Qi
QQ: 306685900