It means that if the name, address or other registered items of a trademark registrant change, an application for change shall be submitted to the Trademark Office. Where a trademark registrant changes its name, it shall also submit a certificate of change issued by the relevant registration authority. If approved by the Trademark Office, a corresponding certificate shall be issued to the trademark registrant and announced; If it is not approved, it shall notify the applicant in writing and explain the reasons.
What is changed is the name and registered address of the registrant, as well as information such as the agent and file recipient. The company name should belong to the registrant's information. You can change the company name first and then change the trademark.
The process of trademark change is as follows: submitting an application for trademark change → returning to Bajie for consultation on intellectual property rights → preparing materials → submitting an application to the Trademark Office → reviewing → issuing a certificate of registered trademark change.