In order to find a company name that is unique, eye-catching and short, and can be spelled in Roman letters, Sony should keep the same pronunciation in any country and look up many dictionaries. In Latin, they saw a word "SONUS", which may be the prototype of "sound". The pronunciation of this word is close to the pronunciation of the word "business" in Japanese, and they think it can be adopted. In addition, there was a popular word "Sonny" or "Sonus Boy" at that time, meaning "cute little guy", which just had the optimistic and cheerful meaning they expected. On balance, between "Sonny" and "Sonny", they chose the latter. However, it was later found that if the word "SONNY" was spelled in Roman, its pronunciation was exactly the same as that of "loss" in Japanese, and the word "loss" was taboo for businessmen, so they took one of the n in "SONNY" and changed it into "SONY". "SONY" not only harmonizes the voice of "SOUNS", but also embodies the meaning of "SONNY BOY", and at the same time has the meaning of optimism and integrity. Mr. Morita can't help thinking of the trademark of the company's products. Sony is easy to understand and remember. To put it simply, all products are labeled as "Sony", and the company name has been officially changed from "Tokyo Telecom Industry" to "Sony".
Pronunciation "Sonik" のとなったラテンののソヌス) "とさ"
Japanese is not good, calling for translation.
The main idea comes from sonic's source language, Latin of sonus.
Sonny, it means little boy
Easy pronunciation is their primary consideration in choosing this name.
This will help them to expand the international market.