Anti-counterfeiting can be seen from the printing quality of packaging and instructions and the texture of paper. Generally speaking, it is formal, and there is no feeling of grandstanding. The instructions are also better. There is also a phone number in the manual, so just call and ask. Those without a phone number must be fake. We generally rely on weighing to prevent counterfeiting, without the support of counterfeiting. See the net weight of the object on the official website and weigh it.
Before choosing a stereo, you must do your homework and listen to other people's suggestions. I can simply tell you here that hivi and Dana need to tell you first. Many friends have told me that it is difficult to push hivi when it is actually used, and the power amplifier is expensive, so it is unbearable to push it badly. If you are an enthusiast, there will be no problem. Tanner's price is too high. If you are not an enthusiast, it is not recommended to choose. Let me tell you about BT- audio AB HIFI suit. AB bookcase is a HIFI box with excellent comprehensive performance, which reproduces the classic and pure English sound. Adopt super instantaneous response unit, the high tone is durable, the low tone is not sticky, the strong tone is not dry, and the weak tone is not empty. The warm and mellow timbre shows the infinite charm of music, and you can feel the charming melody of British legend, appreciate the pedigree, sound quality and workmanship.
The style contained in AB bookcase comes from the unique design of BT-audio audio engineer, a desktop HIFI speaker with bedroom and study, with exquisite and elegant appearance. First-class workmanship and sound quality have created the myth of high-end and low price in the audio industry, and completely brought the concept of parity to the extreme!
I hope the answer can help you.