Videos analyzing brand design will cause infringement. Videos analyzing brand design involve the use of brand-specific trademarks, trade identities, designs and copyrighted works. There may be a risk of infringement of intellectual property rights, particularly the unauthorized use of trademarks, trade logos and copyrighted works of others. Under copyright and trademark laws, use of part or all of the copyright holder or trademark owner without the permission of the copyright holder or trademark owner may constitute infringement. This includes using trademarks, trade logos or designs in analytics videos, or displaying exclusive content associated with the brand. However, under the fair use doctrine of copyright law, you may be entitled to fair use for non-commercial purposes such as scholarship, news reporting, comment and criticism, but the specific applicable conditions will depend on different jurisdictions and case law. To avoid the risk of infringement, it is best to obtain permission from the relevant rights holder or seek legal advice before using someone else’s trademark, business logo, or copyrighted work. This will help ensure that you are acting within the law and avoid possible legal issues.