Comma is pronounced as: Comma
; semicolon is pronounced as: Semicolon
. Period: Period; Dot; Decimal point ("decimal point" is called decimal point, Pronounced "point" )
: Colon: Colon
"Open double quote: Open double quote; Open quote
" Close double quote: Close double quote ; Close quote; Close inverted commas
' Apostrophe
' Open single quote: Open single quote
' Close single quote: Close single quote p>
> Greater than sign
< Less than sign
/ Forward slash: Forward slash
\ Backslash Line: Backslash
~ Tilde: Tilde
@ Email symbol: At sign
! Exclamation mark: Exclamation mark; Exclamation point Question mark is pronounced: Question mark
# The pound sign is read as: Number sign; Pound sign
$ The dollar sign is read as: Dollar sign
% Percent sign: Percent sign
^ Caret: Caret
(Left bracket: Open parenthesis; Open paren
) Right bracket: Close parenthesis; Close paren
_ Underscore Pronounced as: Underscore
- Hyphen as: Hyphen; Minus sign; Dash
– En dash
— Em dash
= Equal sign
+ Plus sign
{ Open brace; Open curly bracket
} Close brace; Close curly bracket< /p>
[ Square brackets read: Open bracket; Open square bracket
] Close bracket; Close square bracket
| Vertical bars read: Vertical bar
:-) Chat emoticon: Smiley face: Smiley face
:- (Frowning emoticon: Frowny face
;-) Winky emoticon: Winky face Trademark The symbol reads: Trademark sign Three quarter sign One quarter sign One half sign Pound sterling sign: Pound sterling sign
& Ampersand; And sign
* The asterisk reads: Asterisk
// Double slash
` Back quote
< Angle brackets read: Open angle bracket
> Close angle bracket< /p>
± plus and minus signs
The multiplication sign is read as: Plus or minus sign Open angle quote Close angle quote
× The multiplication sign is read as: Multiplication sign
÷ The division sign is read as: Division sign Cent sign The RMB symbol is read as: Yen sign
§ Section sign Copyright sign Registered sign, Registered trademark sign
° Degree sign Paragraph sign
… Ellipsis; Dot dot dot Function sign