1928 12, Zhu De led the troops to Zixing, and the enemy Wen Xun came to capture Zhu De. In this extremely critical situation, Zhu De saw that he could not escape from the encirclement of the enemy, so he went into the kitchen of an ancestral temple and tied an apron around his waist. The enemy rushed in and asked, "where is your commander-in-chief?" Zhu De pointed behind him: "In the back." The enemy asked again, "What do you do?" Zhu De simply replied, "I'm a chef." However, some enemies still feel uneasy. They pulled the "cook" under the lamp and looked it up and down. They saw him in rags with a long beard. He is really a cook. So I believed it and went to the back to search. Zhu De took the opportunity to open the window and ran away.