We all know that in real life, a trademark registrant signs a trademark licensing contract and then authorizes others to use his registered trademark, and the authorized person engages in certain business activities in accordance with the provisions of the contract. So, how long is the authorization period generally? Below, I will answer your questions about how long the authorization period is generally. I hope it will be helpful to you. 1. What is the general authorization period? The validity period of the power of attorney should be stipulated by the client. If there is no time limit, it will be until the entrusted matters are completed. The power of attorney generally has a specified expiry date; if not specified, it will be valid until the entrustment is completed or the client terminates the entrustment. 2. What is the authorization period? Trademark authorization, also known as trademark license, means that the trademark registrant authorizes others to use its registered trademark by signing a trademark use authorization contract. The authorized person engages in business activities (usually producing and selling a certain product or providing a certain service) as stipulated in the contract, and pays the licensor the corresponding fees - royalties; at the same time, the licensor provides personnel training, organizational design, and business management Guidance and assistance in other aspects. 3. Benefits of obtaining trademark authorization: 1. The company's products can be instantly recognized by consumers through trademarks. The quality of the product itself is of course very important, but if there is a good trademark as a guide, consumers can quickly remember the product and it will be easier to accept it. 2. Improve the profit level of the enterprise. The same product, combined with the popularity of the trademark, can bring higher prices and higher sales than the original, bringing more profits to the company. 3. Directly benefit from the trademark licensor’s huge promotional activities. In order to maintain the market position and popularity of the trademark, trademark licensors must continuously cultivate the role of the trademark, remind consumers of the existence of these brand trademarks, and attract more attention from consumers. The promotion of these trademarks will directly bring better sales performance to the licensees. 4. Obtain immediate interest and acceptance from retailers (sales channels). A simple and easy-to-remember brand mark will easily enter distribution channels. With the help of authorized brand trademarks, licensees can quickly enter dense channels and have more extensive contact with consumers. 5. The authorizer can most effectively obtain guidance and assistance in personnel training, organizational design, operation management, etc., learn and even improve its good business model to drive the development of the company's own products. The above is the relevant content about "how long is the authorization period generally?" From the above content, we can know that legally, the same product, combined with the popularity of the trademark, can bring higher prices and higher sales than the original. Businesses bring in more profits.