Trademark classification I*** has 45 major categories, and chemical raw materials are the first major category of trademark classification. The following is what I found for you on Bajie Intellectual Property. You can take a look. If there is anything unclear, you can go find them yourself.
Industry matching
Category 1 chemical raw materials
Category 2 pigments and paints
Category 3 daily chemicals
Category 4 fuel grease
Category 5 medicine
Category 6 metal materials
Category 7 machinery and equipment
Class 8 hand instruments
Category 9 scientific instruments
Category 10 medical instruments
Category 11 lamps and air conditioners
Category 12 Class Transportation Vehicles
Class 13 Arms and Fireworks
Class 14 Jewelry and Watches
Class 15 Musical Instruments
Class 16 Office Supplies
Category 17 Rubber Products
Category 18 Leather Goods
Category 19 Building Materials
Category 20 Furniture
Category 21 Kitchen Sanitary Ware
Category 22 Rope Mesh Bag Canopy
Category 23 Yarn Silk
Category 24 Cloth Sheets
p>Category 25 Clothing, Shoes and Hats
Category 26 Buttons and Zippers
Category 27 Carpets and Mats
Category 28 Fitness Equipment
Category 29 Food
Category 30 Convenience Food
Category 31 Feed Seeds
Category 32 Beer Beverages
Category 33 Liquor
Category 34 Tobacco and Smoking Accessories
Category 35 Advertising Sales
Category 42 Website Services
Category 43 Catering and Accommodation
Category 36 Financial Property Management
Category 37 Building Repair
Category 39 Transportation and Storage
Category 43 Category 40 Material Processing
Category 44 Medical Gardening
Category 45 Social Services
Category 38 Communication Services
Category 41 Educational entertainment