International trademark registration refers to the registration of trademarks in multiple countries or regions through the international trademark registration system. The following are the fees and procedures for international trademark registration under general circumstances:
1. Fees:
-International trademark registration fees include international trademark application fees and international trademark registration fees.
-International trademark application fees vary according to factors such as the number of countries or regions applying, the number of trademark classifications, and other factors.
-International trademark registration fees vary according to factors such as the number of countries or regions where the trademark has been successfully registered, the number of trademark classifications, and other factors.
-In addition, agency fees or service fees need to be considered (such as choosing to entrust a trademark agency).
2. Process:
-First, determine in which countries or regions you want to register your trademark. You can choose the Madrid system among the international trademark registration systems.
- Prepare the documents and information required for trademark application, including trademark drawings, trademark descriptions, priority statements, etc.
-Submit an international trademark application through the trademark registration agency of the country or region where you are located or through the central office of the Madrid system.
-After international preliminary examination, the international trademark application will be forwarded to the trademark registration office of the country or region designated by the application for substantive examination.
-The trademark registration office of the designated country or region will examine the trademark application and issue an examination opinion or decision.
-According to the examination results of the designated country or region, handle the subsequent procedures of trademark registration, including supplementing materials, paying fees, responding to examination opinions, etc.
-Finally, after the trademark is successfully registered in each designated country or region, the corresponding trademark rights will be obtained.
Please note that the fees and procedures for international trademark registration may vary by country, region, and specific trademark registration system. It is recommended that you carefully read the relevant international trademark registration guidelines and consult a professional trademark agency or trademark lawyer before proceeding with international trademark registration to obtain accurate cost information and guidance.
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