Trademark categories are divided into major categories, medium categories, and small categories! A major category is a two-digit number, such as the 25th category. The medium category is a four-digit number, such as 2501 or 2507 as you mentioned. Subcategories are six-digit numbers, such as 250001 and 250002. In the same major category (two digits), you can choose small categories (six digits) in different middle categories (four digits). Because the middle class (four-digit number) has the right of prohibition, the same Hanzi trademark in the same category () can be registered as long as the middle class is different. China’s Trademark Law implements the International Classification of Goods, which classifies more than 10,000 Kinds of goods and services are divided into 45 categories. When applying for trademark registration, the category of goods or services using the trademark should be determined according to the classification of the goods and services classification table. If the same applicant uses the same trademark on different categories of goods, he should Submitting registration applications in different categories according to product classification can avoid unfair expansion of the scope of application of trademark rights, and is also conducive to the reviewer's approval and the protection of trademark exclusive rights. Notes on enterprise trademark registration: 1. Only individuals who meet the following conditions. Only individuals or groups can file a trademark application in China: Applicants for trademark registration must be: legally established enterprises, institutions, social groups, individual businesses, individual partnerships, or have signed an agreement with China or participated in international treaties with the Chinese Communist Party or Foreigners or foreign enterprises from countries that comply with the principle of reciprocity and meet the above conditions and need to obtain the exclusive right to use a trademark shall apply for trademark registration to the Trademark Office on a voluntary basis (the China Trademark Office will begin accepting applications from November 1, 2001). However, since February 28, 2007, the Trademark Office has not accepted applications for trademark registration by natural persons in China. Natural persons in China who apply for a trademark must have a business license as an individual business owner. 2. Press. Application for goods and services classification: China’s trademark law implements the International Classification of Goods, which divides more than 10,000 goods and services into 45 categories. When applying for trademark registration, the use should be determined according to the classification of the goods and services classification table. The goods or service categories of the trademark. If the same applicant uses the same trademark on different categories of goods, he should apply for registration in different categories according to the product classification. This can avoid unfair expansion of the scope of trademark rights and facilitate the reviewer’s approval. and the protection of trademark exclusive rights. 3. Determination of the trademark application date: It is very important to establish the application date. Since China’s trademark registration adopts the first-to-file principle, once the application date occurs, it becomes the legal basis for determining the trademark right. The application date for trademark registration. The date on which the application is received by the Trademark Office shall prevail (the smallest unit of date is 'day'). 4. How to apply for trademark registration: If the trademark registration is submitted through a trademark agency, the trademark agency can submit the trademark application in paper form. If the trademark agency submits an application to the Trademark Office online, it can obtain a digital certificate from the Trademark Office and apply online. If the trademark application is made on paper, the date of trademark application is the day when the Trademark Office receives the application documents. For declarations, the online filing date will be regarded as the filing date. To sum up, for small and medium-sized trademarks, it will not constitute infringement. Therefore, you still need to pay attention when registering a trademark. If it constitutes trademark infringement, it will cause illegal acts. , in serious cases, corresponding compensation will be required, so when registering a trademark, you can directly entrust an agency to handle it.