Article 9 of my country’s Trademark Law stipulates: “The trademark applied for registration shall have distinctive features, be easy to identify, and shall not conflict with the legal rights previously obtained by others.” At the same time, Article 32 of the law The article stipulates: "Applications for trademark registration shall not damage the existing prior rights of others, nor shall they use unfair means to preemptively register trademarks that have been used by others and have certain influence." It can be seen that whether a trademark registration application can be authorized, The following two conditions need to be met. First, the trademark itself must have distinctive features and be easy to identify; second, the trademark must not conflict with the legal rights previously obtained by others. Therefore, if the applicant applies for trademark registration using a design that has been patented by another person, it is an infringement. Of course, if the applicant reaches an agreement with other rights holders on the use, the applicant can use the rights of others.