Kebabs (the amount of spices should be based on 5 kg of fresh meat)
Formula 1: Xinjiang mutton kebab (made in Wuhan) 1.5 color, monosodium glutamate (freshness 99%)70-90g, refined salt 36g, extra fresh 1 (made in Wuhan) 40g, ginger and shallot 40g, sugar 7g, pine meat powder 25g and sweet potato starch 255g. Put the above raw materials into the cut meat strips, mix them evenly, marinate them for 10 minute, and then put them on skewers with bamboo sticks and bake them.
Formula 2: thirteen spices 100g, monosodium glutamate (freshness is 99%, all below) 70-90g, extra fresh 1 package 1, ginger onion 40g each, sugar 7g, meat powder 25g and sweet potato starch 250g. Put all the above raw materials into the cut meat strips, mix well, marinate for 15 minutes, then put them on and bake them. (Note: The dry humidity of meat seasoned by the above two methods is that mutton kebabs can absorb spices without falling off, and are not suitable for running water. If the water flows out, it will be thin and it is not easy to maintain the flavor. When it's dry, it will consume oil. It is better to hold a handful of meat in your hand and feel moist without water. (You can choose from these two recipes and bring up thousands of skewers. )