1. Enter the website of the United States Trademark and Patent Office (uspto):
2. Click " Patents", as shown in the picture:
3. After the jump, click "Search(PatFT)", as shown in the picture:
4. Fill in the red box in the picture below:
? Because you are searching for appearance patents, select Application Type after Field 1. This field contains a number indicating the patent type, among which "4" represents appearance patents, so fill in "4" after Term 1, and then Fill in the product keyword "wireless earbuds" in Term 2, select "All Fields" after Field 2, and click Search;
5. There are 114 query results, view the Title, and click on the Title related to our products:
6. For example, if we click on the first Title, it will jump to the picture below:
7. Click on Images in the picture above again and jump to a PDF document with a patent introduction. and appearance pattern, as shown in the picture below:
The above are the seven steps to check the appearance patent. After finishing speaking, Niu Niu took a deep breath of cigarette and continued: There is a simpler and more intuitive method. It’s too late today, I’ll share it next time, but remember to remind me~
Niu Er nodded and said thank you!