1. Your photo is called an electroformed label. It is a very special graphic logo. Almost all signs have graphics and text carriers, but this electroformed label only has graphics and text without carriers. In addition, the effective picture and text area of ??the label only accounts for 1/7 of the area of ??ordinary signs, so the manufacturing cost and manufacturing pollution are greatly reduced.
2. The processing flow of electroforming labels is: 1. Substrate graphic and text mask production - 2. Electroplating copper - 3. Electroplating bright nickel (what you get so far is silver white, If you want golden color, continue below) - 4. Plating real gold or imitation gold - 5. Peeling off - 6. Processing the adhesive - 7. Covering with back film.
3. The equipment used is mainly rectifiers and their accessories, and the materials used are mainly several plating liquids and treatment liquids. Assistive technology and objects are screen printing.
Picture 1. Electroforming label of Gree air conditioner
Picture 2. Pure copper precision electroforming: latitude and longitude density meter. (Teaching demonstration in 2010)