You can check whether the membership is successfully activated. After success, you can usually download it;
According to the membership level, the number of songs that can be downloaded every month is limited.
NetEase does not have copyrights for a few songs and cannot be downloaded regardless of membership status.
Extended information:
The content provided by NetEase Cloud Music software or services includes but is not limited to: audio, video, song graphics and text materials, song lists, text expressions and their combinations, and interfaces Design, layout frame, icons, "NetEase Cloud Music" and "Songlist" trademarks, etc. Except for software, technology and content authorized by third parties, all such content belongs to NetEase and is governed by the Copyright Law, Trademark Law, Patent Law, Anti-Unfair Competition Law and corresponding international treaties of the People's Republic of China and relevant international treaties. Protection of other intellectual property laws and regulations. Therefore, users can only use these contents with the authorization of NetEase. Without the written consent of NetEase, users cannot copy or reproduce these contents for any profit or non-profit purpose, or create derivative products related to the contents, or Authorize third parties to implement, utilize and transfer the above intellectual property rights by means of transfer and license.
NetEase has the right to place various advertisements and promotional information in NetEase Cloud Music software in or through the service. At the same time, the software and service names mentioned in this article, such as Cloud Music and NetEase, may be trademarks of NetEase or its affiliated companies. Without the prior written consent of NetEase, users may not display or use them in any way or process them in any other way, nor may they Indicate to others that the user has the right to display, use, or otherwise process the information.
Reference: NetEase Cloud Music Terms of Service