Change of trademark owner
If the trademark registrant is a company, then the legal representative of the company has changed, the company name and address have not changed, and the trademark owner is still the company; If the registrant on the trademark registration certificate is the original legal representative, the trademark ownership belongs to the original legal representative. The original legal representative needs to go through the address change formalities at the Trademark Office. If the registrant is the original legal representative, if the new legal representative wants to use the trademark, he shall sign a trademark use contract with the original legal representative, clarify the respective rights and obligations of both parties, and go through the trademark transfer licensing formalities at the State Trademark Office. Therefore, in the process of enterprise property right transfer, intellectual property rights (including trademarks, patents, software copyrights, etc. ) should generally be evaluated and transferred at the same time. If it is just an ordinary trademark, it does not have any popularity, nor is it the "three major trademarks" (that is, well-known, famous and well-known), and it does not have much influence in the industry. The general value can be estimated 10000 yuan/piece.