Art comes from life, and art also serves life. Designers are inspired by real life, find creative inspiration through real life, and design more works that are convenient for people's lives. When printing and designing handbags, you should be creative with the target of the product and fully understand the practicality and other characteristics of the product; whether the entire handbag presents a traditional style or a contemporary feel; whether the material used is paper or natural Natural items; need to be considered in advance.
The front of the handbag generally features the company's LOGO and company name, or the company's slogan; the focus is on establishing the brand and expanding sales; the pattern should pursue novel and avant-garde concepts; such as patterns that reflect traditional styles can be used Chinese painting, calligraphy, sculpture, paper-cut art, etc.; fashionable and creative styles need to break the rules and can be combined with common items or other aspects in daily life to create visual illusions to attract attention and win 100% return rate; the ultimate goal of handbags is to make money Get customers' attention.
Before designing a handbag, it must be carefully conceived and planned. Any factor or sequence will lead to the success or failure of the work. Must be remembered. Corporate tote bags are made with product images and corporate culture. The implicit picture design is combined with ingenious connotation to set the tone, clear layers, a stable and touchable feeling, and the introduction of accurate advertising slogans to carry out appropriate descriptions, thus strengthening the due awareness of the theme and making the overall theme consistent with the title and The images match each other, which makes the creation more dynamic. Only by cleverly realizing textualization and visualization can we achieve the handbag design values. Creative design must also pay attention to basic logical relationships. The same is true for the design steps of corporate handbags. The design of handbags must conform to the basic logic of the design concept, otherwise it will be too divorced from reality and cause unnecessary negative impacts on the company. However, sometimes negative advertising is more important. Communication power, this is also a kind of advertising persuasion for advertisers.
Designers do not have the ability to design fonts. Whether graphics are expressed in regular or irregular forms, they are relatively subjective. Authoritativeness, uniqueness, recognition, impression, affinity, preference, quality, trust, modernity, internationality, difference, illustrativeness, as well as the extended use of color, the character of standard characters, and logos coordination, several combinations, etc.