When kidney stones or bladder stones occur, patients often ask doctors for advice in severe pain: Where are the stones in the kidneys and urethra? How can we prevent their recurrence after surgery?
The main reason for the formation of kidney stones is diet. It is caused by excessive intake of related ingredients in the diet that can form stones. A more detailed explanation is:
Excessive accumulation of oxalic acid. A large accumulation of oxalic acid in the body is one of the factors leading to kidney and urinary stones. Things that people generally like to eat, such as spinach, beans, grapes, cocoa, tea, oranges, tomatoes, potatoes, plums, bamboo shoots, etc., are foods with high oxalic acid content. Doctors have found through research that 200 grams of spinach contains 725.6 mg of oxalic acid. If a person eats all 200 grams of spinach at one time, the amount of oxalic acid excreted in the urine will be 20-25 mg 8 hours after eating, which is equivalent to what a normal person would excrete in 24 hours. The average total amount of oxalic acid.
Purine metabolism disorder. Animal offal, seafood, peanuts, beans, spinach, etc. all contain high amounts of purine. After purine enters the body, it undergoes metabolism, and the final product of its metabolism is uric acid. Uric acid can cause urinary oxalate precipitation. If you eat too many purine-rich foods at one time, the metabolism of purine will be abnormal, and oxalate will be deposited in the urine to form urinary stones.
Too much fat intake. All kinds of animal meat, especially fatty pork, are fatty foods. Eating more body fat will inevitably increase the body fat. Fat will reduce the amount of calcium that can be combined in the intestines, thus causing increased absorption of oxalate. If there is an excretory function failure, such as excessive sweating, less drinking water, less urine output, and kidney stones. It is likely that it was formed under such circumstances. Therefore, doctors often say that in order to prevent stone disease, you should drink more water on hot days. When eating oily and watery food, you should also drink more water to promote smooth urination and dilute the urine components, thus reducing the risk of stone disease. danger.
Sugar content increases. Sugar is an important nutrient for the human body and should be supplemented regularly and in an appropriate amount. However, if too much is added at once, especially lactose, it will also create conditions for the formation of stones. Experts found that whether normal people or stone patients, after eating 100 grams of sucrose, checked their urine 2 hours later, they found that the concentration of calcium and oxalic acid in the urine increased. If lactose is taken, it can promote the absorption of calcium. It is more likely to cause the accumulation of calcium oxalate in the body and form urinary stones.
Excess protein. Laboratory analysis of the components of kidney stones found that calcium oxalate accounted for 87.5% of the stones. The source of such a large proportion of calcium oxalate is that in addition to the raw materials containing oxalic acid-glycine and hydroxyproline in protein, protein can also promote the absorption of calcium by intestinal function. If you often eat excessive amounts of high-protein foods, the calcium, oxalic acid, and uric acid components in the kidneys and urine will generally increase. If excess calcium, oxalic acid, and uric acid cannot be excreted from the body through kidney function in a timely and effective manner, the conditions for kidney stones and ureterolithiasis will be formed. This is the main reason why the incidence of kidney stones in developed countries in the world has increased.
From the above factors that are prone to the formation of kidney stones, in order to prevent the occurrence of kidney stones, we must change the concept of pursuing only one kind of nutrition and pursuing excessive nutrition. This means that in human daily diet, we cannot just eat certain foods just because they are delicious and have high nutritional value. We must pay attention to the combination of food and eat all kinds of food in moderation. Even if it is found that the body lacks certain nutrients and needs certain foods to supplement it, it is not advisable to eat a large amount at one time because the human body's digestion and absorption functions are limited. Nutrients that cannot be digested or absorbed must be excreted through the excretory organs, which will also increase the burden on the urinary system. Even if you do not suffer from kidney stones, it will be detrimental to your health. Especially when nephrolithiasis is confirmed, the patient should be restricted from eating foods that easily promote stone formation during the illness.
Kidney stones are a type of urolithiasis. They are mostly formed in hot summers because they sweat a lot in summer and even become dehydrated in the body, which reduces urination. In addition, they are exposed to the sun for a long time in summer and are exposed to ultraviolet rays. The skin helps to increase the synthesis of vitamin D and vitamin A in the body. Vitamin D and vitamin A can promote the absorption of calcium ions in the small intestine, increase the excretion of calcium in the urine, and the stone material in the urine can easily produce crystal nuclei, thus forming stones. When the weather is cold in winter, people's urine output increases, and the small stones that have formed are washed away by the urine and move downward, causing symptoms of renal colic. Therefore, kidney stones often occur in summer and in winter.
People’s diets are diverse and human metabolism is complex, so the components of kidney stones are also diverse. Common stones can be divided into five types according to their components: 1. Calcium oxalate stones: the most common, accounting for more than 80% of kidney stones. They are formed in acidic or neutral urine. They mostly occur in young adults, and are more common in men. Calcium diphosphate stones: account for 6-9% of stones. They are formed in alkaline urine and are also more common in young and middle-aged men. Triuric acid stones: account for 6% of stones. They are formed in acidic urine. When the urine pH value is greater than 6.7, the stones dissolve. They are more common in men. Magnesium tetraphosphate stones: account for 10% of stones. They are formed in alkaline urine. The stones dissolve when the urine pH value is less than 7.2. They are more common in women. Pentacystine stones: rare, accounting for about 1-2% of stones, formed in acidic urine, and stones dissolve when the urine pH value is greater than 7.0.
Home treatment measures for kidney stones
Kidney stones
Stones are caused by the imbalance of colloid and crystal metabolism in the body and are related to infections, nutritional metabolism disorders, Foreign bodies in the urinary system, urinary stasis, geographical climate and other factors are related. Men are more likely to suffer from this disease than women. People over 30 are more likely to develop the disease than younger people. This disease is relatively rare in children.
The pain may last for several days and can cause severe renal colic during the passage of the stone. The area where the pain occurs is where the kidney stone is. When there are few stones, there are no obvious symptoms and they can only be discovered during X-rays. When the stones are large, ipsilateral back pain, renal colic, blood in urine, etc. may occur. Kidney stones occasionally get stuck in the ureter, blocking the flow of urine on one side. Complications of kidney stones include acute pyelonephritis, which can lead to chronic renal failure in severe cases. The recurrence rate of kidney stones is relatively high. Once you have one stone, it is inevitable that you will get a second one.
Changing lifestyle habits can prevent and reduce the growth and onset of stones. There are several types of kidney stones. Once your doctor confirms the type of stone you have, the following methods can help reduce the chance of recurrence.
Home treatment measures
●Drink more water
No matter which type of stone you have, the most important way to prevent it is to increase your water intake. Water dilutes urine and prevents high concentrations of salts and minerals from accumulating into stones. The appropriate amount of water to drink is to excrete 2 liters of urine a day, which is considered enough. If you work in the hot sun all day, you need to drink 2 gallons of water.
●Supplement fiber
Add rice bran to prevent the occurrence of stones.
●Control calcium intake
About 10% of stones are formed from calcium or calcium-containing products. If your last stone was mainly composed of calcium, you have to pay attention to your calcium intake. If you are taking nutritional supplements, you should first ask your doctor whether it is necessary. Next, check your daily intake of calcium-rich foods, including milk, cheese, cream and other dairy products. Milk and antacids may cause kidney stones.
●Check your stomach medicine
Some common antacids contain high amounts of calcium. If you have calcium stones and you are taking an antacid, you should check the ingredient label to see if it contains high calcium. If it contains high calcium, other medicines should be used.
●Don’t eat foods rich in oxalates
About 60% of stones are calcium oxalate stones. Therefore, foods rich in oxalic acid should be consumed in a limited amount, including beans, beets, celery, chocolate, grapes, green peppers, cilantro, spinach, strawberries, and vegetables from the cabbage family. Also avoid alcohol, caffeine, tea, chocolate, dried figs, lamb, stone fruits, green peppers, black tea, poppy seeds, etc.
●More activities
People who are inactive are prone to calcium accumulation in the blood. Exercise helps calcium flow to the bones where it belongs. Don't sit around all day waiting for stones to form. Go outside for a walk or exercise.
●Hot compress
Hot compress, cupping, and electrotherapy in the kidney area can relieve pain. Frequent hot baths are also helpful for stone removal.
●Eat foods rich in vitamin A
Vitamin A is necessary to maintain the health of the lining of the urethra. It also helps prevent the recurrence of stones. Healthy adults need 5,000 units (Iu) of vitamin A a day. One cup of carrots provides 10,055 Iu of vitamin A. Other foods rich in vitamin A include broccoli, apricots, cantaloupe, pumpkin, and beef liver. (Vitamin A is toxic at high doses. Therefore, you should seek approval from your doctor before supplementing vitamin A.)
●Pay attention to protein intake
There is a relationship between kidney stones and protein intake. Direct connection. Protein easily causes uric acid, calcium and phosphorus to appear in urine, leading to the formation of stones. If you have had calcium stones, you should be especially careful about consuming too much protein, especially if you have a history of hyperuricemia or cystine stones. Limit eating to 180 grams of high-protein foods per day, including meat, cheese, chicken and fish.
●Eat less salt
If you have calcium stones, you should reduce your salt intake. You should reduce your daily salt intake to 2-3 grams.
●Supplementary nutrients
① Magnesium oxide or magnesium chloride
500 mg per day. Reduce calcium absorption. Studies have found that taking magnesium daily can reduce relapse rates by 90%. Because magnesium and calcium can combine with oxalic acid. But unlike calcium oxalate, magnesium oxalate is less likely to form painful stones.
② Vitamin B6
10 mg, 2 times a day. When used with magnesium, B6 can reduce urinary oxalates, mineral salts commonly found in kidney stones.
③Protein-degrading enzyme
The dosage should be according to the product instructions and used between meals. Helps normal digestion.
④ Vitamin A emulsion or capsule
25000IU. Treat stone-damaged urethral lining.
●Avoid L-cystine
If you have a history of kidney stones or are currently suffering from kidney stones. Avoid L-cystine. This accumulation of amino acids can crystallize in the kidneys, producing large stones that block the inside of the kidneys.
●Eat more watermelon
Watermelon is a natural diuretic. Food should be eaten frequently, and should be eaten alone and not combined with other foods. Watermelon has the effect of cleansing the body, but it should not be eaten at the same time as other foods.
●Limit the amount of vitamin C
If you are prone to calcium oxalate stones, you should limit the amount of vitamin C. Exceeding 3-4 grams a day may increase the production of oxalic acid, thereby increasing the chance of stones. Do not take high-potency vitamin C supplements.
●Do not take too much vitamin D
Excessive vitamin D may cause calcium accumulation in various parts of the body. The daily intake of vitamin D should not exceed the RDA of 400IU.
●Herbal tea
① Stone reed and mallow tea
30 grams of stone reed, 30 grams of mallow seeds, 30 grams of money grass, decoct in water and take. Can remove stones.
②Corn silk tea
50 grams of corn silk, 20 grams of plantain, 10 grams of raw licorice, add 500 ml of water and fry to 400 ml, remove the residue and warm it three times a day Clothes.
③ Sunflower Heart Tea
Cut 100 cm of sunflower stems into 3 cm long segments, decoct in water and take 1 dose a day for 1 month. Treat stones accompanied by bloody discharge.
●Healthy medicinal diet
①Lotus root joints and winter melon soup
500 grams of raw lotus root joints and 1000 grams of winter melon, wash and slice them, add appropriate amount of water to make soup and drink. Take it in one day.
②Rock sugar walnut kernels
120 grams of rock sugar, 120 grams of fried walnut kernels, grind into fine powder, take 60 grams each time, 4 times a day, boiled water Sending it down can soften the stones.
③ Adzuki bean porridge
50 grams each of japonica rice and adzuki beans, grind 20 grams of chicken gizzard into powder. Add japonica rice and adzuki beans to water to cook porridge. When cooked, stir in chicken gizzard powder and add appropriate amount of sugar. Consume 2 times a day.
④ Fish brain stone powder
Grind 30 pieces of fish brain stone from the head of croaker, grind it into fine powder, divide it into 10 equal parts, take it with boiling water, 1 part each time, daily 3 times.
⑤Wumei and peach kernels
5 ebony plums per day, or 100 grams of raw walnut kernels per day, taken with plenty of water, can prevent and treat phosphate stones.
●Danger Signs
See a doctor if you have the following symptoms:
* A stabbing pain that starts in the side and moves toward the groin.
*Nausea, vomiting, and excessive sweating.
*Blood in urine.
If you are also infected, you will have the following additional symptoms:
*Fever and feeling cold.
* Frequent urination.
*Painful urination, urine is cloudy and smells bad.
* Paroxysmal, sharp pain in the waist or abdomen. This pain may also be a sign of other serious diseases, such as cholelithiasis, pelvic inflammatory disease, or intestinal obstruction.
*You are experiencing painful or difficult urination, which may also indicate cholecystitis, sexually transmitted diseases, vaginal disease, gallbladder or prostate tumors, and you should seek medical attention immediately.
*If you notice gross hematuria, this may also indicate kidney disease, bladder or stomach tumors, or inflammation of the urinary tract or prostate (see Prostate Disorders). You should seek medical attention immediately.
*The urine is gray and has a foul odor.
●Medical knowledge
Types and characteristics of kidney stones
According to the different components of the stones, kidney stones can be divided into calcium oxalate stones, calcium phosphate stones, and uric acid stones. There are six types of (urate) stones, magnesium ammonium phosphate stones, cystine stones and purine stones. Most stones are a mixture of two or more ingredients. The characteristics of various stones are as follows:
(1) Calcium oxalate stones account for 80% to 84% of stones. They are often yellowish brown or stone copper color, with smooth surface (calcium oxalate monohydrate) and rough surface (calcium oxalate monohydrate). Calcium oxalate), it is more common in men, most of them have family history, and it can be clearly seen on X-ray films. Calcium oxalate crystals are often found in urine sediment.
(2) Calcium phosphate stones: accounting for 6% to 9% of stones. The stones are white, rough in surface, often antler-shaped, and hard in texture. Often formed in alkaline urine. It is more common in young and middle-aged men, often with family history, and can be clearly seen on X-ray films.
(3) Uric acid (urate) stones: accounting for 6%-10% of stones, with smooth surface, often antler-shaped, yellow or tan color, hard texture, and blurred on X-ray films Unclear or unable to appear. It is more common in men, especially in gout patients, and there is usually a family history. Uric acid crystals can be seen in the urine sediment.
(4) Magnesium ammonium phosphate stones: accounting for 6%-9% of the stones. The stones are yellow or dirty gray in color, dendritic or antler-shaped, and have a soft texture. It is more common in women, and there are more patients with urinary tract infection, which cannot be seen through x-rays. Magnesium ammonium phosphate crystals can be seen in the urine sediment.
(5) Cystine stones: accounting for less than 2% of stones, the stones are yellow or white in color, have a smooth surface, are round, are difficult to transmit X-rays, and are often formed in acidic urine. Cystine crystals can be seen in the urine sediment.
(6) Xanthine stones: This type of stone is rarely seen, white or yellow-brown in color, very brittle in texture, cannot transmit X-rays, and is generally formed in acidic urine.
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