Comparatively speaking, the wine from Factory 1 is the best, while the wine from Factory 2 often makes people drunk after drinking. The reason why Tsingtao Beer from Factory 2 is sour is because the Tsingtao Classic Box from Factory 2 in Qingdao is 10 degrees. , except for Qingdao, the Tsingtao Beer classics sold for takeout are all 8 degrees.
The wine quality of Factory 4 improved rapidly in 2003 and once reached the forefront of the group.
The wine quality of Factory 5 has always been very good. It used to be the base camp of Laoshan Beer. With the quality of Laoshan Beer and the quality of Tsingtao Beer, it has naturally received high praise from the citizens.
All Tsingtao Brewery factories use tap water. In the 1990s, before Laoshan Brewery was integrated by Tsingtao Brewery, they used Laoshan water. At that time, tap water costs were high, and it was convenient and cheap to use mountain water. , much lower than the cost of tap water. It is Laoshan water that is now used everywhere from Laoshan District to the east, and it does not cost money.
1. Tsingtao Beer Factory No. 3: The products of Tsingtao Beer Factory No. 3 mainly include Tsingtao Beer, Red Snow Dragon Beer, Guoli Beer, Tsingtao Beer Activated Water, and Tsingtao Classic 1903.
2. The other four factories:
1. Tsingtao Beer Factory No. 1: Factory No. 1 is the birthplace. Relatively speaking, the wine of Factory No. 1 is the best, mainly producing Tsingtao Beer's high-end wine and export wine, such as Augute, small green bottle and small brown bottle exported abroad.
2. Tsingtao Beer Factory No. 2: The main products produced by Tsingtao Beer Factory No. 2 include: Tsingtao beer, Tsingtao pure draft beer, Augute canned beer, selenium-enriched canned beer, etc.
3. Tsingtao Beer Factory No. 4: Tsingtao Beer Factory No. 4 produces high-quality yellow beer, Volkswagen beer, Tsingtao fresh beer, etc.
4. Tsingtao Beer Factory Five: Tsingtao Beer, Laoshan Beer, the wine is good.
I personally like to drink Tsingtao beer, especially canned beer!