Without the permission of the registered trademark owner, anyone who uses the same trademark on the same commodity is suspected of one of the following circumstances, and shall be prosecuted:
(a) the amount of illegal business is more than 50 thousand yuan or the amount of illegal income is more than 30 thousand yuan;
(2) Counterfeiting two or more registered trademarks, with an illegal business amount of more than 30,000 yuan or an illegal income of more than 20,000 yuan;
(3) Other serious circumstances.
legal ground
Article 69 of the Provisions of the Ministry of Public Security of the Supreme People's Procuratorate on the Standards for Criminal Cases under the Jurisdiction of Public Security Organs, if a trademark identical to its registered trademark is used on the same commodity without the permission of the registered trademark owner, it shall be filed for prosecution under any of the following circumstances:
(a) the amount of illegal business is more than 50 thousand yuan or the amount of illegal income is more than 30 thousand yuan;
(2) Counterfeiting two or more registered trademarks, with an illegal business amount of more than 30,000 yuan or an illegal income of more than 20,000 yuan;
(3) Other serious circumstances.
Article 70
Anyone who knowingly sells goods with counterfeit registered trademarks and is suspected of one of the following circumstances shall file a case for prosecution:
(a) the sales amount is more than fifty thousand yuan;
(two) has not been sold, the value of more than one hundred and fifty thousand yuan;
(3) The sales amount is less than 50,000 yuan, but the sum of the sold amount and the unsold amount is more than 150,000 yuan.
Article 71
In any of the following circumstances, anyone who forges or makes a registered trademark logo of another person without authorization or sells a forged or made registered trademark logo without authorization shall file a case for prosecution:
(1) Forging, manufacturing or selling more than 20,000 forged or unauthorized registered trademarks, or the illegal business amount is more than 50,000 yuan, or the illegal income is more than 30,000 yuan;
(2) Forging, manufacturing or selling more than 1 10,000 forged or manufactured trademarks without authorization, or the illegal business amount is more than 30,000 yuan, or the illegal income is more than 20,000 yuan;
(3) Other serious circumstances.