Jinjiang counterfeit trademark
Remember, when buying outdoor products such as camel shoes, hats and clothing in physical stores, you must look for the English logo of "can.torp", which is the oldest and most authentic trademark in China and originated from Jinjiang, Quanzhou, Fujian. Camels with English logo "Camel" on the Internet in the last two years were transferred to Foshan, Guangdong by trademark holders in the last two years. They are only available online, and there are no physical stores. Their strength, quality and style are far from Jinjiang, Fujian. Authentic "can.torp" camel series products are expensive. Although due to the impact of online shopping and counterfeiting, the price has dropped and the discount rate is higher than before, but more than 260 shoes, more than 400 shirts, more than 500 jackets and more than 300 jeans are normal. As for the brand you bought, there is CNATURE below, which must be fake. Now there are tens of dollars of clothes and shoes made in Zhejiang, as well as camel graphics. If you pay attention, there is a word "camel" in the camel figure, which is a clever trick of Zhejiang people to deliberately confuse consumers. It must be fake. I can't buy it.