According to your description, there are cracks on the horn spoon and hairpin, and you want to know whether these items are fake. After analysis, we can answer this question from multiple perspectives.
We can consider it from the perspective of product quality. Genuine horn products usually have higher strength and durability, while fakes may have quality issues. If the cracks are caused by normal use, then it is likely that the items are of poor quality or are counterfeit. It is recommended that you carefully observe the location and shape of cracks. If there are cracks in places that should not appear under normal use, then it is likely that these items are fake.
We can consider it from the purchasing channels and price. If the horn spoons and hairpins you buy are extremely cheap, much lower than the market price or selling prices through other channels, then they may be fakes. Counterfeit products often attract consumers with low prices, but their quality is often not comparable to genuine products. It is recommended that you compare the prices and reviews of other channels or online stores to determine whether there is a problem with the item you purchased.
We can also consider product packaging and trademarks. Goods produced by regular manufacturers usually have complete packaging and clear trademarks, while fakes may have problems such as poor packaging and unclear or missing trademarks. You can carefully check the packaging and trademarks of horn spoons and hairpins. If there are obvious flaws or quality issues, they are likely to be fakes.
You can obtain more accurate judgments by consulting relevant authorities or professionals. For example, you can consult relevant consumer protection organizations or professional identification agencies. They can help you determine whether the item is fake by conducting professional identification.
Based on the information you provided, the cracks on the horn spoons and hairpins may mean that the quality of these items is not up to par or they are fakes. It is recommended that you determine whether a product is counterfeit by comprehensively considering factors such as product quality, purchase channel and price, product packaging and trademark, and seek help from relevant professional institutions when necessary.