The standard of trademark registration fee is shown as follows:
1. Accepted trademark registration fee: 6 yuan (limited to 1 commodities in this category. For more than 1 commodities, each commodity will be charged 6 yuan).
2. Registration fee for accepting a collective trademark: 3, yuan
3. Registration fee for accepting a certificate of trademark: 3, yuan
4. Reissuing a trademark registration certificate: 1 yuan, Including the cost of publishing the lost statement
5. Fees for accepting and transferring registered trademarks: 1 yuan
6. Fees for accepting and renewing registered trademarks: 2, yuan
7. Delayed fees for accepting and renewing registered trademarks: 5 yuan
8. Fees for accepting and reviewing registered trademarks: 1,5 yuan
Fees are based on the former State Planning Commission and the Ministry of Finance [1995].
Extended information:
Notes for trademark registration:
1. Don't trust the promise of success;
2. Don't trust the promise of expedited handling; (If you apply for a trademark directly in the trademark registration hall, you can receive a notice of acceptance of the trademark registration application on the spot)
3. Be wary of charging fees many times;
4. Be cautious about the installment payment of the agency
5. Don't trust the trademark announcement.
China government network-list of fees