Montagut is a fake foreign brand. The so-called Paris Montagut is just a French registered trademark. Its origin is in China, and its sales place is almost entirely in China (as well as its Chinese little brother Vietnam). The so-called history of its establishment in 1880 on its official website is just to tell you a "wonderful" story. For those who are good at English, take a look at the English introduction on its official website. The English context between the lines is completely Chinese-style thinking. Although there are no grammatical errors, real foreigners will feel very awkward after reading it. It feels like a foreigner speaking Chinese. If you travel to France, you can ask 100 French people, and 100 people will answer that you have never heard of the Montagut brand. However, there are indeed several Montagut stores in France, but those stores are similar to the "Xiaofang Clothing" stores you see on the roadside at your home. They are just ordinary clothing stores. And almost all of them are near Chinatown and Chinatown. The sales targets are all Chinese traveling to France. As for the French, they have never heard of this brand, so why would they buy clothes in such a small store? This is true in France. As for other European countries, it is even less likely that anyone has heard of Montagut.