In terms of writing and purpose, the statement is consistent with the notice. However, what the statement tells is more important by comparison. Moreover, its attitude is serious and its tone is tough.
therefore, most declarations have a complete format. In addition, the article also lists the document number of the relevant approval documents, which shows that the matter has legal effect and adds the solemn color of the article. At the end of the article, the responsibility of the original enterprise is also explained, which is necessary to avoid misunderstanding among those who have business dealings with the company.
format of the declaration:
sound? Ming? Letter
to: a logistics customs declaration company in Shenzhen
We hereby have the customs declaration (goods name:? ) a batch of goods, the declared trademark is: (brand:? ). We hereby declare to your company that the trademark declaration of this batch of goods is correct. If you find anything untrue, we are willing to bear the penalty of rmb2/order, and we will not be exempted from investigating our other responsibilities.
We know and understand the relevant laws and regulations in China, and the above expression of commitment is a voluntary expression of true meaning, and there is no fraud, coercion or major misunderstanding.
We hereby declare that!
declared by? (affixed with official seal)
Model statement of extended information:
Statement of employment
1. Statement about my own situation
I hereby declare that any statement about my own situation (including but not limited to my education, degree, skills, work experience, family situation, marital status, physical condition, etc.) that I have presented to the company. The damage caused to the company by my misrepresentation shall be borne by me.
2. Statement on my relationship with my former employer
I hereby declare that since the date of signing this statement, I have no labor relationship with any other unit, and any dispute arising from the labor relationship with any other unit shall be borne by myself. In addition, my employment with the company will not violate my non-competition obligations to my former employer, and the company will not cause any lawsuit because of my employment, and I will bear any legal responsibilities caused by the employment of any company.
3. Statement of joint liability
I hereby declare that I have no obligation to keep business secrets to my former employer or any other unit, and I shall bear any legal responsibility caused by my violation of my obligation to keep business secrets to a third party.
The above three statements are my true meaning.
declarant's name:
declarant's ID number:
declarant's signature:
year? Month? Day
(1) Specific circumstances in which the management statement is taken as audit evidence
For some matters that have a significant impact on the financial statements, such as matters involving the management's judgment and intention and matters limited to the fact that the management knows, it can be reasonably expected that there is no sufficient and appropriate audit evidence except the evidence obtained through the inquiry procedure. In this case, the certified public accountant should obtain the signature of the management and obtain a written statement.
(2) Collecting audit evidence to support the management statement
The management statement is a kind of evidence from the audited entity. Compared with the evidence from external independent sources, it is not independent and has weak probative force. It cannot constitute sufficient and appropriate audit evidence by itself and serves as the basis for issuing audit opinions. When the matters declared by the management have a significant impact on the financial statements, the certified public accountant shall implement the following audit procedures:
① Obtain supporting evidence from the inside or outside of the audited entity;
② evaluate whether the management statement is reasonable and consistent with other audit evidence (including other statements);
③ consider whether the person making the statement is familiar with the declared matters.
(3) Management statement cannot replace other audit evidence
Certified public accountants should not replace other audit evidence that can be reasonably expected to be obtained with management statement. If sufficient and appropriate audit evidence of matters that have or may have a significant impact on the financial statements cannot be obtained, and these evidences are expected to be available, even if the statement made by the management on these matters has been received, the CPA should still regard it as that the audit scope is limited.
(4) How to deal with the contradiction between the management statement and other audit evidence
If a management statement is in contradiction with other audit evidence, the certified public accountant shall investigate the situation. If necessary, reconsider the reliability of other statements made by management. Reference Baidu Encyclopedia-Statement