Legal analysis: Trademark certification refers to the certification of well-known trademarks by the Trademark Office or the certification of famous trademarks by local authorities. Trademark certification is neither trademark notarization nor different from trademark registration.
Legal basis: "Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China"
Article 17 If a foreigner or foreign enterprise applies for trademark registration in China, he or she shall apply for trademark registration in accordance with the laws and regulations of the country to which he or she belongs. Agreements signed by the People's Republic of China and other countries or international treaties to which the People's Republic of China is a party shall be handled, or in accordance with the principle of reciprocity.
Article 18 When applying for trademark registration or handling other trademark matters, you can handle it yourself or entrust a trademark agency established in accordance with the law to handle it.
When foreigners or foreign enterprises apply for trademark registration and handle other trademark matters in China, they should entrust a trademark agency established in accordance with the law to handle it.
Article 19 A trademark agency shall abide by the principle of good faith, abide by laws and administrative regulations, and handle trademark registration applications or other trademark matters as entrusted by the agent; A person's business secrets shall be subject to confidentiality obligations.
If the trademark applied for registration by the client may be prohibited from registration under this Law, the trademark agency shall clearly inform the client.
If a trademark agency knows or should know that the trademark applied for registration by the client falls under the circumstances specified in Articles 4, 15 and 32 of this Law, it shall not accept its entrustment.
Except for trademark registration for its agency services, a trademark agency shall not apply for registration of other trademarks.