False. If you look at the trademark, you can compare it with the authentic trademark by searching online. The imitation is a bit fake
Moreover, the fake Burberry scarf was purchased from the mainland by Guangdong and is being processed. The logo "BURBERRY" on the packaging box is printed with ordinary Heidelberg four-color printing, and some are simply made using a printing machine; while the logo "BURBERRY" on the official burberry scarf packaging box uses a Heidelberg high-precision laser synchronized printing machine, with a single machine cost of 400,000. Dollar. Using laser anti-counterfeiting laser printing, the color gradually changes with different light and color.
The trademark of the counterfeit Burberry scarf uses a mechanical sewing machine to sew the two sides directly to the scarf with dense stitches, which itself damages the beauty. The trademark of the official Burberry scarf is manually sewn by hand, and the four points are fixed to the scarf with a small needle to ensure the integrity of the product to the maximum extent. Because of international practice: when wearing a scarf, the label needs to be removed, instead of making it look more handsome and fat like we do...it must be easy to take off with household tools to be considered satisfactory. .The hangtag of each product displays the main information, that is, the important details of the place of origin. Information describing the characteristics of the product such as color, origin, product number, and size are all displayed in detail on the hangtag. There is a "meter" symbol in front of each piece of information. The eight ends of the symbol are randomly filled with hollow circles and bolded at different positions. This is mainly for anti-counterfeiting and internal monitoring (this was originally set up for internal monitoring because of copyright violations abroad. will be severely punished).
See the picture below for genuine products: the "meter" pattern in front of the product number "PRODUCT" is bold at the three ends on the left; the "meter" in front of the product size "SIZE" is displayed. "", only two of the eight ports are not bolded at the end. These are internal controls used to show the production source and processing procedures. They are not completely formal scarf anti-counterfeiting information. However, due to the extremely high printing accuracy and high cost, counterfeiting is difficult. There is a saying that is not entirely correct: "It is said that no two official BURBERRY scarf tags have the same characters."
Finally, I really don’t believe that you can check the serial number (should be called this) online and you can usually find genuine products.
I really want to ask. How much did you buy it for?