?Trademark transaction process in one step:
To purchase a trademark, we need to choose a suitable trademark on the trademark trading platform. First, we must first confirm that the industry we are engaged in is where the trademark belongs. One category, which subcategory it should belong to under the larger category. For example, if we are engaged in the women's clothing industry, we need to buy 250045 clothing under category 25, 250064 pants, 250066 jackets, 250071 knitted clothing, 250077 gabardine (clothing), 250082 vests, 250086 tops, and 250090 skirts. After determining the category of the trademark we want to buy, we need to choose a suitable name for the trademark. There are English trademarks, Chinese and English trademarks, international trademarks, and trademarks that imitate big brands. If you have any questions during the process of purchasing a trademark, you can also directly consult the relevant consultants.
Two steps of the trademark transaction process:
Sign an agreement. After we select the favorite trademark, in order to protect the transaction between the buyer and the seller, the buyer will obtain Bajie’s intellectual property rights. As a guarantee platform, the company signs a "Trademark Entrusted Purchase Contract". The buyer needs to pay a certain deposit and provide a copy of the corresponding ID card and business license.
Three steps of the trademark transaction process:
To handle the transfer procedures, the trademark holder will go through the notarization of the trademark and the notarization of the required documents. Generally, the procedures are completed within 5 working days. That's it. The transaction personnel will deliver the original notarization, transfer application, power of attorney and trademark use authorization to the trademark buyer, and the buyer will pay the balance. Trademark transfer usually takes about 6-10 months.
What is the general price for trademark transactions?
Trademark transaction price is determined based on various factors of the trademark. In the market, the average trademark price is around 20,000-50,000, but there are also cheap trademarks ranging from several thousand to 10,000, but there may be categories. Not complete. The expensive ones range from 100,000 to hundreds of thousands. The price of a trademark is mostly determined by the trademark name, trademark recognition, trademark popularity and trademark dissemination.