Excuse me, my trademark will expire in half a year. What should I do?
A: You can renew your trademark in our company, and it is more affordable to renew it six months before it expires. According to the Trademark Law, a registered trademark is valid for ten years, counting from the date of approval of registration. Where it is necessary to continue to use a registered trademark after its expiration, it shall apply for renewal of registration within six months before its expiration; Failing to apply within this time limit, a grace period of 6 months may be granted. If no application is made at the expiration of the exhibition period, its registered trademark shall be cancelled. Each renewal of registration is valid for ten years. Trademark renewal needs to submit an application for trademark renewal registration, the identity certificate of the trademark applicant (copy of business license or personal ID card), a copy of trademark registration certificate, trademark transfer certificate and trademark change certificate. After preparing the above documents, submit an application to the Trademark Office, and issue a Notice of Accepting the Application for Renewal about one month after submitting the application; Within six to eight months after submitting the application, the Trademark Renewal Registration Certificate will be issued. This renewal registration certificate is used together with the trademark certificate. Trademark expiration