according to American trademark law, the first user of a trademark owns the trademark right. Under normal circumstances, the qualification of trademark owners will not cause controversy. However, in some specific cases, especially in the application for registration of trademarks in the fields of entertainment and performance, everyone related to the trademark may claim its ownership. Through case analysis, we can see how the United States deals with the qualification of trademark owners. In the case of Bell and others v. Streetwise Recording Co., Ltd., the plaintiff Bell and others are a well-known youth singing group in the United States (including some European and Asian countries). The name of the group is "NewEdition". They and MCA Recording Co., Ltd., which recorded their works, both claimed the exclusive right to perform and record the NewEdition trademark. The defendants and counterclaims in this case, Streetwise Recording Co., Ltd. and Boston International Music Co., Ltd., * * * recorded and sold the first commercially successful collection "CandyCirl" of the NewEditon group and separate versions of some works in this collection. The defendant believes that the form, style and image adopted by the plaintiff's "NewEdition" singing group and its performance were formed under the guidance of a concept put forward and developed by the defendant. The defendant is also a distributor of recorded works embodying this concept.