Suqian trademark registration
Suqian trademark registration procedure refers to the legal fact that in order to obtain the exclusive right to use a trademark, the trademark owner applied for registration with the Trademark Office in accordance with the registration conditions, principles and procedures stipulated by the state, and the trademark office approved the registration after examination. A trademark approved and registered by the Trademark Office is a registered trademark and enjoys the exclusive right to use a trademark.
1, trademark inquiry.
Trademark inquiry refers to the inquiry whether the trademark applied by the applicant for trademark registration or his agent is the same as or similar to the trademark with prior rights before applying for registration.
2. Trademark review.
Trademark review is divided into formal review and substantive review.
(1) It takes 3-4 months to review the trademark form, and it is very important to establish the application date, because the principle of prior application is adopted in trademark registration in China, and once the application date occurs, it will become the legal basis for determining the trademark right. The date of application for trademark registration shall be the date when the Trademark Office receives the application documents. The Trademark Office receives the trademark application and issues a notice of acceptance for the application that meets the formal requirements.
3. Announcement of preliminary examination.
Trademark examination and approval refers to the decision to approve the registration of a trademark that meets the relevant provisions of the Trademark Law after examination. And make an announcement in the trademark announcement. If no objection is raised within three months or the objection is ruled invalid, the trademark will take effect and a registration certificate will be issued.
There are two ways to apply for a trademark registration certificate:
(1) Entrusting a trademark agency registered in the Trademark Office.
(2) The applicant goes directly to the trademark registration hall of the Trademark Office.