Certification marks are controlled by an organization with the ability to detect and supervise certain goods or services, and are used on goods or services by people other than them to certify the origin, raw materials, and manufacturing of the goods or services. Trademarks of method, quality, precision or other specific qualities.
For example, the "green food", "genuine leather" logo, and the International Wool Bureau's pure wool logo. Anxi Tieguanyin, Korla Xiangli, Jinhua Ham, etc.
The difference between collective marks and certification marks is that the ownership of collective marks belongs to the collective members, while the ownership of certification marks belongs to "organizations with detection and supervision capabilities."
A geographical trademark is a sign that indicates that a product originates from a certain region, and that the specific quality, reputation or other characteristics of the product are mainly determined by the natural or human factors of the region. Whether it is a geographical trademark, a certification mark or a collective trademark, there are generally more agricultural-related trademarks. The aforementioned Anxi Tieguanyin, Korla Xiangli, Jinhua Ham, etc. are all geographical trademarks (certification marks). I wonder if you understand?