How to modify the entrustment documents submitted to the Trademark Office?
If it is necessary to change all kinds of notices, certificates and supporting documents, the applicant or registrant for trademark registration shall directly submit or mail the original materials and documents to be changed to the Trademark Information Archives Management Office of the Trademark Office, or entrust others to handle them. First of all, you should log on to the website of China Trademark Network of Trademark Office, then find the entry of "Trademark Inquiry" in the jump interface and click "I Accept", click the business item of "Error Information Feedback" in the trademark inquiry business item, and fill in and submit the error trademark data change form. After receiving the application for correcting the trademark information error, the Trademark Office verifies that the information error is indeed caused by the input error of the Trademark Office. The Trademark Office corrects the error information in time, reprints the document and sends it to the applicant.