If the trademark applied for change is owned by ***, the following documents should also be submitted:
A. If *** has a trademark representative applying for change, fill in the changed registrant The name/address application form should also include a statement from other parties agreeing to the change.
B. Apply to change the *** trademark in the name of someone else, whether it is to change all *** names or change part of the *** name, or change *** trademark If you are a representative, you should fill in the names of all authorized persons on the application form. The name and address of the representative should be written on the first page of the application, and the names of other parties should be written on the attached pages of the application. There is no need to fill in the addresses of other parties.
C. If the representative’s name or address changes, the changed representative’s name and address should be written in the applicant’s name and applicant’s address columns on the first page of the application form, and the original name and address before the change should be written. The representative's name and address should be written in the name and address before change columns on the first page of the application form, and the corresponding certificate of name change should be attached. If the name and address of the representative have not changed and the change is being applied for in the name of another person, there is no need to fill in the name and address before change columns on the first page of the application form.
D. If the names of other *** are changed, the list of names of other *** before the change and the list of names of other *** after the change (hereinafter referred to as the change) should be included in the attached page of the application form. The name list before the change and the name list after the change) respectively fill in the name of the *** person before the change and the name of the *** person after the change, and attach the corresponding change certificate. If the names of other registered persons have not changed, the names of the registered persons who have not changed should also be filled in in the name list before the change and the name list after the change on the attached page of the application form.