The Jiaxing trademark registration process can be briefly summarized as follows:
Submission of application -> Formal review -> Issuance of acceptance notice -> Substantive review -> Preliminary review announcement -> Registration announcement - >Registration Announcement->Certificate Issuance
1-2 months from submission of application to issuance of acceptance notice (previously 4 months)
The fastest time from application submission to the preliminary review announcement is about 4 months, usually about 6 months, and the statutory 9 months
The statutory period from the preliminary review announcement to the registration announcement is 3 months
1 month after the registration announcement -You can get the certificate in 2 months
There are three ways to register a trademark in Jiaxing:
1. Register and apply online by yourself. The entrance is as shown below:
Jiaxing Trademark Online Registration portal
2. Go to Jiaxing Trademark Acceptance Window by yourself:
Jiaxing Trademark Acceptance Window Office 201, Main Building, Jiaxing Municipal Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, No. 921 Jiyang Road, Xiuzhou District, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province 0573-82073979
3. Find the trademark agency registered with the Trademark Office. The query entry is as follows:
Trademark agency registration query