Insurance companies belong to the 3601 group, Category 36 of the trademark classification;
According to statistics, there are 239 registered trademarks of insurance companies.
How to choose other minor categories when registering:
1. There are 6 trademarks selected for registration (insurance agent, group number: 3601), with a registration ratio of 2.51
2. Choose to register (insurance broker, group number: 3601) There are 5 trademarks in the category, and the registration ratio reaches 2.09
3. Choose to register (real estate management, group number: 3601) There are 4 trademarks in the category (Group No.: 3604), and the registration ratio reaches 1.67
4. There are 4 trademarks in the registration (Insurance Consulting, Group No.: 3601) category, and the registration ratio reaches 1.67
5. Choose to register (Grid display cabinet rental, group number: 3604) There are 4 trademarks in the category, and the registration ratio reaches 1.67
6. Choose to register (Actuarial Insurance Services, group number: 3601) There are 4 trademarks in the category, and the registration ratio is 1.67
7. There are 4 trademarks in the registration (fire insurance, group number: 3601) category, and the registration ratio is 1.67. The ratio reaches 1.67
8. Choose to register (intermediaries for real estate sales, group number: 3604) There are 4 trademarks in the category, and the registration ratio reaches 1.67
9. Choose to register ( There are 4 trademarks in the category "Real Estate Sales Consultant, Group Number: 3604", with a registration ratio of 1.67
10. There are 4 trademarks in the category "Apartment House Rental, Group Number: 3604". files, the registration ratio reached 1.67
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