About constructing and protecting fair trademark management theory
We have obtained some comprehensive research results from the literature survey and put forward some ideas for publishing trademarks in order to maintain trademark fairness.
P1 Trademark orientation is the primary requirement for maintaining trademark fairness. This assertion is based on a trademark-oriented culture. Adopting a trademark orientation provides a strategic center for the entire enterprise organization and a platform for building customer and company value. We propose this view to demonstrate that trademark positioning is focused on strategic and cultural development, but also because it is a market-oriented add-on in bridging strategy and execution. Adopting a trademark-oriented orientation can partially bridge the gap between strategy and execution. P1 therefore sets the stage for all other claims to maintain trademark fairness.
P2 Before developing into a strategic asset, a trademark needs to be clearly defined.
Giving a clearly defined trademark brings benefits to both the organization and its shareholders. Within the organization, it enables employees to understand the meaning behind the current trademark. Clearly guiding a trademark is a step towards the development of a trademark strategy because it makes the legitimate and emotional benefits that consumers and other stakeholders can expect to receive from the trademark more tangible.
P3 A trademark requires communication so that its meaning is understood in a mutual commitment, and its culture conjures the idea that this mutual commitment is integral to consistent trademark delivery. Communicating trademarks can benefit consumers because doing so may reduce their information processing costs.
P4 Departmental Marking provides a critical platform for brand viability across organizations
This literature survey shows that it is possible to build a leadership brand on internal marking . Internal branding will promote the development of a brand-oriented corporate culture that leads to the determination of senior executives and employee recognition to implement the brand and promote the brand. Internal labeling enables managers to check the obligations of organizational managers to each other and by extension to consumers. Another advantage of internal labeling is the simplification of organizational functional compartmentalization that prevents internal functional collaboration, which would distract from the focus on delivering customer-centric solutions. P4 ensures that managers and employees implement the trademark.