Is northedge Huaqiang North?
northedge is not Huaqiang north. Northedge is a brand sports watch of NORTHEDGE. It is a Chinese trademark registered in 216. Its products are sold to Europe, the United States, Southeast Asia and other countries. It has its own official shop online, and the price ranges from 4 to 1 yuan. The watch developed for outdoor sports enthusiasts has the functions of altitude, pressure, compass and weather forecast. Huaqiang North is a place name, belonging to Futian District, Shenzhen. Huaqiang North used to be named "Shangbu Industrial Zone". Its predecessor was an industrial area producing electronic, communication and electrical products. With the development of China's economy, Huaqiang North has become the largest electronic market in China. So northedge is a brand, Huaqiang North is a place name, and northedge is not Huaqiang North.