Sports and outdoor categories. Sports and outdoor is just a big category. Tmall’s classification is more detailed. There are many subcategories in the big category. The first-level categories of sports and outdoor are: sports/yoga/fitness/ball supplies, sportswear/leisure. Clothing, outdoor/mountaining/camping/travel supplies, new sports shoes, sports bags/outdoor bags/accessories, bicycles/cycling equipment/spare parts, electric vehicles/accessories/transportation, sportswear/casual clothing.
What are the outdoor categories on Tmall?
Sports and outdoor categories.
Sports and outdoor is just a big category. Tmall’s classification is more detailed. There are many subcategories in the big category. The first-level category of sports and outdoor is:
Sports/yoga/fitness/ball supplies, sportswear/casual clothing, outdoor/mountain climbing/camping/travel supplies, new sports shoes, sports bags/outdoor bags/accessories, bicycles/cycling equipment/spare parts, electric vehicles/accessories /Transportation, Sportswear/Casual Clothing.
Deposits, annual technical fees and rates for Tmall sports and outdoor stores:
1. Deposits and annual technical fees for flagship stores, specialty stores and specialty stores
< p>①Deposit for sports and outdoor flagship store: 5W for holding a trademark registration certificate and 10W for trademark registration acceptance notice;②Deposit for sports and outdoor specialty store: 5W for holding a trademark registration certificate and 10W for trademark registration acceptance The notice is 10W;
③ The deposit for sports and outdoor specialty stores: the deposit for holding a trademark registration certificate is 10W, and the trademark registration acceptance notice is 15W.
2. The annual fee for sports and outdoor technology is 6W.
3. Rate
① Sports/yoga/fitness/ball supplies: 5%;
②Outdoor/mountain climbing/camping/travel supplies: 5 %;
③Sports shoes new: 5%;
④Sportswear/casual clothing: 5%;
⑤Sports bags/outdoor bags/accessories: 5%;
⑥Bicycles/accessories: 2%;
⑦Electric vehicles/accessories/transportation: 2%.