Coffee belongs to Group 3002, Class 30 of the Trademark Classification;
How to choose other small categories when registering:
1. Select registration (bread, group There is 1 trademark in the category No.: 3006, with a registration ratio of 1.85
2. There is 1 trademark registered in the category (Ice Cream, Group No.: 3013), with a registration ratio of 1.85
2. p>
3. Select to register (Bing, group number: 3013) There are 1 trademarks in the category, and the registration ratio reaches 1.85
4. Select to register (Salt, group number: 3014) There is 1 trademark in the category, and the registration ratio reaches 1.85
5. Select to register (pie, group number: 3007) There are 1 trademarks in the category, and the registration ratio reaches 1.85
6. Choose to register ((Italian) baked pie, group number: 3007) There is 1 trademark in the category, and the registration ratio reaches 1.85
7. Choose to register (none of the above products belong to There is 1 trademark in the category of (category, group number: 3006), and the registration ratio is 1.85
8. Select registration (ice tea, group number: 3002). There is 1 trademark in the category, and the registration ratio is 1.85.
8. The proportion reaches 1.85
9. Choose to register one trademark in the category (sandwiches and rolls, group number: 3006), and the registration ratio reaches 1.85
10. Choose There is 1 trademark registered in the (Simi, group number: 3008) category, and the registration ratio reaches 1.85