If a trademark registration applicant does not need to continue to register the trademark for some reason before the trademark registration announcement is published, he may apply to the Trademark Office to withdraw the registration application for the trademark. The specific application requirements are as follows:
1. Processing methods for withdrawing trademark registration applications
There are two ways to apply for withdrawal of trademark registration applications:
(1) Entrusting national recognition trademark agency.
(2) Applicants should go directly to the trademark registration hall of the Trademark Office to apply.
2. Procedures for withdrawing trademark registration applications
(1) If a trademark agency is entrusted to handle the application, the applicant can voluntarily choose any nationally recognized trademark agency to handle it. All trademark agencies registered with the Trademark Office are published in the "Agency" column.
(2) If the applicant goes directly to the trademark registration hall to apply, the applicant can follow the following steps:
Prepare the application documents → Submit the application documents at the trademark registration hall acceptance window →Enter the text barcode at the coding window→Check the notice of withdrawal approval
3. Preparation of application documents for withdrawal of trademark registration
To apply for withdrawal of trademark registration application, the following documents should be submitted :
1. Withdraw the trademark registration application and stamp it with the official seal of the unit; if the applicant is a natural person, it must be signed by himself and the person in charge;
2. Original acceptance notice ;
3. If you go directly to the trademark registration hall, submit a copy and copy of the applicant's business license, or a copy of the business license stamped with the applicant's seal. If the applicant is a natural person, submit a copy of his or her ID card. If you entrust a trademark agency to handle the application, submit a copy of the applicant's business license;
4. If you apply directly to the trademark registration hall, submit a copy of the person in charge's ID card and present the original. The book must be signed in person; if a trademark agency is entrusted to handle the matter, a trademark agency power of attorney must be submitted.
IV. Delivery of Notice Approving the Withdrawal of Trademark Registration Application
(1) If it is handled directly at the Trademark Registration Hall, after receiving the application to withdraw the trademark registration application, the Trademark Office will If the review finds that the documents are complete and comply with the regulations, the applicant will be issued a notice approving the withdrawal of the trademark registration application.
(2) If a trademark agency is entrusted to handle the matter, after the Trademark Office receives the application for withdrawal of trademark registration and deems that the documents are complete and in compliance with the regulations after review, a notice of approval to withdraw the application for trademark registration will be mailed to the applicant. Trademark agency.