Kuitun Runhehui Trademark Agency Co., Ltd. is a limited liability company (wholly owned by natural persons) registered in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region from April to July, 216. The registered address is located at No.3, Building 59, Furongli-Manas Street, Kuitun City, Yili Prefecture, Xinjiang.
the unified social credit code/registration number of Kuitun runhehui trademark agency co., ltd. is 916543MA775UYNXJ, and it is an enterprise legal person, Lu Huan. At present, the enterprise is in the state of opening.
the business scope of Kuitun runhehui trademark agency co., ltd is: trademark agency service; Industry and commerce, tax agency consulting services; Financial consulting service. Within the scope of this province, the registered capital of current enterprises belongs to the general.
Kuitun Runhehui Trademark Agency Co., Ltd. has invested in companies and has 3 branches.
view more information and information of Kuitun runhehui trademark agency co., ltd through Baidu enterprise credit.